【9】北信州北竜湖ホテル Hokuryuko Hotel North Nagano


Kaiseki Cuisine



PHONE. 0269-65-3121

OPEN  18:00-21:00(L.O. 20:30)

要予約/Reservation required


 Wi-Fi完備(Wi-Fi Available)

クレジットカード使用可(Credit Cards Accepted)

 QRコード決済(QR Code Payment Accepted)












The chef has selected a wide range of freshly harvested ingredients from the North Shinshu region, which are abundant and safe, and offers dishes full of flavor. Enjoy a carefully selected menu at the hotel, which is located on the shores of tranquil Lake Hokuryu.


おすすめ Recommendation

◯奥信濃美食会席 B  Lake Hokuryu Gastronomic Kaiseki B    ¥7,000

◯奥信濃美食会席 A  Lake Hokuryu Gastronomic Kaiseki A    ¥10,000


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