【2】うなぎ専門店 本多 Honda-Japanese Eel Restaurant


Japanese Eel Restaurant



TEL  0269-62-2213

OPEN  11:00-19:00(L.O. 18:20)

CLOSE  木(Thu)


テイクアウト可(Takeout Available)

Wi-Fi完備(Wi-Fi Available)

クレジットカード使用可(Credit Cards Accepted)

※Visa or Master 






Japanese eel restaurant, “Honda” specialize to serve “Kabayaki” which is boiled fresh eel with sweet soy source. It is close to “Teriyaki” taste. “Kabayaki” is one of the most traditional Japanese dishes.


おすすめ Recommendation

まぶし丼 Chopped kabayaki on rice with wasabi    ¥3,150

◯うな重 Eel Rice Box ¥4,800

◯白焼(大)Shirayaki (Salt-flavor grilled eel) ¥2,300


テイクアウト Takeout

◯うな重弁当 Eel Rice Bowl    ¥4,600

◯うな丼弁当 Eel Rice Bowl    ¥3,600

◯うまき(小)Japanese omelet with eel    ¥2,000

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